Let's visit together this mysterious and magical tropical paradise located amidst the Arenal Volcano and the Tenorio Volcano in the northern region of Costa Rica. Historically, it has been an important and sacred place for tribal ceremonies and shamanic rituals.
Lake Cote has the shape of a heart, hence its name. The word "Cote" means peace and love in the Maleku language. (The Malekus are an indigenous people of Costa Rica.)
Beyond its cultural significance and local mysticism, in 1971, a research team from the National Geographic Institute of Costa Rica was taking photos at 10,000 feet above Lake Cote for a hydroelectric project. When the film was developed, one photograph showed an object resembling a flying saucer (UFO). Later, it was analyzed by scientific authorities from the United States (including NASA) and other countries, and they concluded that the photo had not been altered or manipulated, and the metallic object above the water is real.
In every aspect, it is an idyllic place for hiking, birdwatching, observing flora and fauna, water sports, mystical retreats, and ecotourism.